The most (un)useful Star Wars guide

Welcome, young Padawans!

Star Wars is an immense world, full of characters, planets, stories and lightsaber duels. I’m a big Star Wars fan, and throughout my life, I’ve found people who haven’t seen the movies. I always ask the question “why?”, and usually the answer travels from 1. They’re too long 2. There are too many, I don’t have time.
Fear not! For I bring you here a short (kind of) introduction to the Star Wars world, so you’ll hopefully get excited about it and watch the movies, or simply know what happens in each one so that you can talk about it with everyone else (and watch episode VII and the upcoming movies).

YES, before you ask, I’VE SEEN ALL THE 7 MOVIES PLENTY OF TIMES, OK? Don’t judge me. 

I know 7 movies sound like a handful, but they are quite entertaining, and come on – they’re classic films that are a must watch – or at least the first 3 released movies!
The order of release is confusing since we start off by having episode IV in 1977 then V and VI in the following 6 years. And when everyone thought that there would be no more, George Lucas throws in episodes I, II and III in 1999, 2002, 2005. And then in 2015, we get (probably my favorite Star Wars movie so far) episode VII, which is the follow up to VI (of course). So you’d think that watching Star Wars from I to VII would be the best option? Let’s see. (I’m not involving episode VII).


Chronological order: In my opinion, this one will reveal to you some plot-twists before you even get to the prequels, but we all know about the “I am your father” part, so I guess you’re good to go with this one. You learn about Anakin’s life and why he turned to the dark side and why he is now his son’s enemy. (episode I, II, III, IV, I, VI)

Release date: This is the most typical way to watch for die-hard Star Wars fans, and I personally love this way of watching the movies. It’s cool to go through the evolution of special effects, too. But the story itself, is really nice as you venture through Luke’s era and then you go back to Anakin’s life that lead you to the why did he turn into the dark side. (episode IV, V, VI, I, II, III)

Just one: If you’re not up to watch all 6 (or 7) movies, then what die-hard fans suggest, is watching Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, so you get introduced to Lucas’s vast spacial world. It is probably the best movie of them all, hands down.

What is episode VII about?: It starts about 30-40 years after episode VI finishes. Luke has vanished, and new strong dark forces are trying to take control over the Universe (again). The mission this time is to get Luke back to save the universe, while confronting the tantrum-lover villain, Kylo Ren.

But Dani, there are too many characters! Yes, but it’s not easy to get lost. Learn the names and their basic stuff and you’re good to go (does not involve episode VII).

CHARACTERS: (WordPress has found a way to piss me off, so I am SORRY about the pictures not being in place).



Yoda: The good old Master Yoda. Little green fellow, strong with the force, trained by Qui-Gon. Wise and funny.

Do or do not, there is no try.







Qui-Gon Jinn: Master Jedi, strong with the force. Trained by Count Dooku. Trains Yoda and Obi-Wan.




Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious: Evil Darth Lord who tricks everyone into thinking he’s a good guy. Turns Anakin to the dark side. EVIL PRICK.






Padmé Amidala: Strong, wise leader, Queen and Senator of Naboo. Anakin Skywalker is her significant other. Gives birth to twin babies, dies during birth.



Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader: Intelligent guy, prone to his feelings. Strong with the force (REALLY strong). Trained by Obi-Wan and turned to the dark side by Darth Sidious. Plans on building Death Stars, because it’s super fun! (Jk) Wants to have ultimate power of the universe.


Obi-Wan Kenobi: MY FAVORITE CHARACTER. Master Jedi, trained by Qui-Gon. Has to train Anakin and tries to guide him through the light path. (Obi-Wan didn’t deserve any of it!!). Is in charge of baby Luke, ends up helping Luke with his Jedi training.


Han Solo: Your favorite scoundrel. Everyone’s favorite (my second favorite character). He gets away with things in his own way. Chewbacca’s BFF, and Leia’s S.O. (OTP). For reals though, he is just the best. I know.


Leia Organa: Luke Skywalker’s twin sister, daughter of Anakin/Darth Vader and Padmè. Why she’s not Skywalker? Because she was separated at birth from her brother, and the Organa family adopted her. She’s fierce, brave and a PRINCESS (did you hear me, Disney? – and everyone else). She’s princess goals.


Chewbacca: The best side-kick you’ll ever meet. You won’t understand a word this Wookie is saying, but you’ll love him for sure. Faithful to the Millenium Falcon, Han, Leia and friends.


R2-D2 and C-3PO: The dynamic duo! I somehow do believe that the story is told (some times) from their points of view? They are inseparable friends who will (surprisingly) save our heroes like 90% of the times.


Luke Skywalker: Fierce Jedi, who learns the ways of the force through Obi-Wan and Yoda. Defeats his father and becomes a Master. He (as well as his father) loses a hand during a lightsaber duel. In fact, his own father does it.


The Force: “The Force is what gives a Jedi his/her power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.
Jedi: A knight trained to keep peace and justice in the Universe.
Lightsaber: Powerful energy weapon used by those who have the force within. Siths’ lightsabers are color red.
Millenium Falcon: The best and awesomest ship in the Universe, owned by Han Solo.
Stormtroopers: Soldiers from the Empire that use white armor, they tend to miss when they shoot.
Sith: Force-sensitive people, who belong to the dark side.

So I guess this helped you out somehow. If it didn’t, please leave your questions on the comments section or on my Twitter @DaniWillRock. I’ll be waiting then. Goodbye! and:

May The Force Be With You.